新闻 2024年5月10日

Mitie crowns colleague stars of 2024

  • Mitie has held its 2024 Recognition 奖 event, 庆祝同事们在过去一年里取得的各种令人难以置信的成就
  • The event recognised the winners of its 2024 Mitie明星 awards, some of its longest serving colleagues, its class of distinction achieving Level 7 Leadership apprentices, 它的平等, Diversity and 包含(ED&I) network leads, and top Apprentices of the year winners
  • Special guests Franceschina (Frankie) Romano and June Bearcroft, who are still working for Mitie at 92 and 89 years of age, also joined the celebrations

本周,Mitie召集了75名同事参加了在碎片大厦举行的2024年表彰奖活动,庆祝他们在过去一年中取得的惊人成就. From saving lives and acts of extreme bravery, to championing 包容 throughout the business, 同事们获得了五个奖项:Mitie年度明星奖, long serving colleagues who’ve marked over 40 or 50 years of service, 最新一届优秀等级7级高级领班学徒, Equality Diversity & 包含(ED&I) Network Leads, and the winners of Mitie’s Apprenticeship 奖.

The event also honoured special guests, Franceschina (Frankie) Romano and June Bearcroft, Mitie家族的宝贵成员,他们分别是92岁和89岁,在Mitie与埃塞克斯郡议会的合同中担任清洁人员已有20多年.


The winners of this year’s Mitie明星 were awarded cash prizes, with first place taking home £10,000, second place £5,000 and joint third place £2,500. This year’s winners are as follows:

First place – 维多利亚, 安全 Officer

2023年6月, 维多利亚, 当一群罪犯从医院病房绑架一名婴儿时,一名医院保安人员表现出了非凡的勇气和奉献精神. 维多利亚 swiftly intervened, 尽管遭到人身攻击她还是挡在了绑匪和孩子之间. Although the group managed to escape initially, 维多利亚的快速反应使警方得以追踪并逮捕他们, reuniting the baby with its mother. 一等奖恰如其分地反映了维多利亚的英勇行为.


Exceptional commitment to their roles was also shown by Osman, 俄梅珥, 和费兹, 当听到工作场所有人持刀时,谁是第一个赶到现场的人. Aware of the potential threat, they made themselves visible throughout the building, secured all entrances and reassured those in the area. 他们迅速行动,像一个团队一样保护他们直接照顾的人, 与此同时,警方与附近建筑物的当局和安全小组进行了沟通,最终逮捕了这名男子,没有造成任何伤害. 他们的团队精神和专业精神不仅为处理如此高压和复杂的情况树立了高标准,而且还展示了合作的重要性.


安保人员纳迪亚发现一名男子企图自杀,她陷入了一个充满挑战的境地. With courage and compassion, she swiftly intervened to save his life. Having trained extensively for this type of critical moment, Nadia remained calm and composed, 在提供关键急救的同时,与病人建立信任和沟通. 她的快速反应和体贴的照顾使这个人被带到安全的地方, 强调日常英雄在心理健康意识和预防悲剧方面的力量.

Also demonstrating exceptional support and care, 瑞奇, 一名水务主管在照顾一名在现场倒下的队员时表现得非常出色. Despite being away from site, 里基迅速赶到了现场,并在整个过程中安抚了这个人, 甚至陪他们在救护车里等了三个小时. 里基表现出对这一事件的创伤性的真正理解,以及在困难时期加倍努力支持同事意味着什么.

Long Service recognition

Along with the Mitie明星, Mitie还赞扬了一些澳博官方网站时间最长的同事,他们将大部分工作时间奉献给了Mitie,并继续成为Mitie大家庭不可或缺的一部分. 该活动表彰了17位澳博官方网站40或50年以上的忠诚同事, 每人分别获得400英镑和500英镑的代金券,以感谢他们的忠诚和奉献.

Level 7 Leadership apprentices

Over the past year, 一个由18名Mitie同事组成的班级,他们渴望提高自己的技能,接受了为期12个月的挑战 & Imperial 业务 School Level 7 Executive Leadership Programme, specifically built to enhance the skills of ambitious managers, leaders and executives. 值得注意的是, 这一组的每一位同事都在他们的课程中取得了优异的成绩,并因他们的成就获得了证书.

Equality, Diversity, and 包含(ED&I) network leads

此外,还向所有领导和代表颁发了证书&感谢他们坚定不移地支持和致力于促进各自网络的包容性, on-top of their regular day-jobs. Mitie有六个专门的网络来支持和授权来自不同背景的同事, which have contributed significantly to its progress in ED&I. These networks include CHORD (its race and ethnicity network), Mitie Women Can (its gender equality network), Proud to Be (its LGBTQ+ network), Mitie Military (its Armed Forces veterans, reservists and family members network), Enable(其致力于残疾和神经多样性相关主题的网络)和Parents & 护理人员.

Jasmine Hudson, Chief People Officer, Mitie, said:

“我们的年度Mitie之星活动一直是我们表彰同事卓越表现的绝佳机会, but this year we wanted to spread this even further, recognising the great work of even more of our colleagues. These colleagues embody what it means to be Mitie, from incredible levels of bravery and professionalism, unwavering commitment to their jobs, and championing equality. They should all be very proud of their achievements, 我很高兴我们今天能聚在一起庆祝他们.”


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