Home About Mitie Culture



Together we are Mitie

Working at Mitie isn’t just a ‘job’. 每个佩戴我们标志的人都是更大的一部分——一起, our work makes a positive difference to millions of people, each day, every day.

Our exceptional colleagues are at the heart of what we are, and we share their stories about their journey at Mitie.

Read their stories
Marcus Allen, Cleaning Operative at Mitie

Delivering the exceptional, every day

这是我们对客户日复一日的承诺. 它指导我们的同事,使他们知道对彼此的期望. In short, it makes Mitie strive to be the best we can be.

We are a trusted partner, using our expertise, care, 技术和洞察力为我们的客户和他们的客户创造令人惊叹的工作环境. We champion our diversity. We always go the extra mile to get the job done. Integrity and trust drives everything we do.


colleagues in apprenticeships




hours of volunteering by Mitie employees


engagement rate with Mitie’s annual staff survey


Mitie Stars awarded in FY24


of social value contribution in FY24


colleagues have each worked at Mitie for over 40 years



How we deliver the exceptional, every day

Our culture is underpinned by our Purpose and Promises.

Our expertise, care, technology and insight create amazing work environments, helping our customers to be exceptional every day.

Promise to our customers:
一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,为您的客户和员工创造卓越的环境, adding value every day.

Promise to our colleagues:


  • We are one Mitie
  • We are built on integrity and trust
  • We go the extra mile
  • Our diversity makes us stronger
  • Our customers’ business, is our business

我们相信多元化的员工队伍会让我们更强大,给我们带来新的思维方式. 我们也相信每个人都应该有进步的机会.

我们的同事网络为会员提供了一个安全、保密的空间来讨论影响他们的问题, 帮助改进我们的政策和程序,并与外部政策的发展保持联系.

Each of our dedicated groups – on age, gender equality, disability and for BAME and LGBTQ+ colleagues, ——由一位倡导多元化和包容性的高级领导发起,并在整个集团范围内推动议程.



Mitie Stars
Our people deliver the exceptional every day. 这就是为什么我们优先对他们的辛勤工作表示感谢.

Our annual award scheme, Mitie Stars, 是否致力于表彰为客户或同事做出卓越贡献的团队和个人.

Living Wage

我们是生活工资基金会认可的澳博官方网站提供商,所有直接受雇于Mitie的同事都可以获得真正的生活工资, 我们为我们所有的新投标提供了一个真正的生活工资选项,并鼓励客户尽可能地签署真正的生活工资.


In the last financial year, 我们向学徒税计划支付了500万英镑,现在我们正在与专业供应商合作,以确保我们提供最高质量的学习,满足个人和企业的需求.

Mitie Sales Academy
2019年1月,我们推出了为期一年的销售学徒计划,即Mitie销售学院. 我们培训了12名新人,并帮助他们获得了专业销售协会(APS)颁发的四级销售证书。. This new project, 为未来的专业学徒计划奠定基础的是什么, was made possible thanks to Apprenticeship Levy funding.

Learning Hub
2018年,我们推出了“学习中心”,这是我们为同事提供的专用学习平台. 它包含了从积极倾听到撰写报告的广泛标题库,涵盖了从商业技能到工作幸福感的广泛主题. 有视频、音频、游戏和测验,内容满足不同的学习偏好.

Every day is different and brings challenges to overcome. 我喜欢认为我们的方法是主动的,而不是被动的,并在需要的时候提出尖锐的问题.

Mitie colleague, Employee Survey feedback

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